How Women can Change the Cleaning Industry: Podcast Interview

After my second entrepreneurial attempt and partnership failed in dishonesty, I was left with literally with no money to my name, about to lose my house, my vehicle.

There was one point I only had $15 dollars in my bank account, and no savings, nothing left at all while having a family of six to feed.

Everything that I had invested in my previous business partnership was gone.

For anybody to say, I am scared of taking a risk to pursue entrepreneurship, I understand what you’re going through. I still did not give up the dream, because my intuition kept guiding me to keep pursuing my goals.

When it comes to taking risks to pursue your dreams, and moving past the fears, it leads us to some of our greatest breakthroughs, and successes.

For anyone who is an entrepreneur, that is perhaps the most important lesson of all.

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