My conversation with Deirdre Breakenridge and the Women WorldWide Podcast team was amazing! I shared my entrepreneurial journey with Deirdre and discussed the power of making connections and forging authentic relationships in business.
After my second entrepreneurial attempt and partnership failed in dishonesty, I was left with literally with no money to my name, about to lose my house, my vehicle.
There was one point I only had $15 dollars in my bank account, and no savings, nothing left at all while having a family of six to feed.
When I decided to get into business development, and started working in the commercial real estate industry, I went out and started doing sales and marketing.
I felt very inauthentic.
I felt like I was selling something.
Mindset is everything.
If you don’t have the right mindset, even if you are derailing, you’re not going to make it.
You 100% can be a great mother and still fulfill your dreams.
You can have both.